May 3, 2014

Supreme Balloon video and live version of song.

Here is the “show video” that we project when we play the song, Supreme Balloon, synced with a live version of the song from Toronto’s legendary Music Gallery.
I thought this was a good rendition of the song to use in that we make miraculously few mistakes, and J Lesser’s manic modular synthesizer system adds a certain vim to the version.
As I always recommended the live audience, I recommend to you, the home viewer- focus on the center dot on the screen and don’t move your gaze until the video is over.
Please watch it full screen with a beautiful stereo system playing the sound. With your pony.

If it’s steppy in Firefox, I have found watching it in Safari (if you’re a mac user, I guess…) works better. It always seems to behave properly at magic postcard size.

Thanks to J.T. Marsh for hosting for us!


Matmos – Supreme Balloon – sound live at Toronto’s Music Gallery 2008 from James Thomas Marsh on Vimeo.

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