September 9, 2011


Let’s be honest. For a band that actually lives in Baltimore, Matmos
just doesn’t play in its own home city very often. The reasons are
complicated and we’re not going into that right now. But all the same,
we’re really happy to break the silence by announcing that we’re on a
bill with a truly amazing lineup. Joke Lanz / aka / Sudden Infant is a
living treasure of Aktionist Noise served blood-raw. He was contact
mic-ing puke when you were still into Third Eye Blind.

Kneel before Joke you fools!

Fraternal frequencies from Twig and Caleb =  immense
bro-down, and all signs point to the sonic sorority of Relay for Death
bringing heavy manners (plus how many shows have a brother band, a
sister band, and a homosexualist couple band on the same bill?) We’ll
let DJ DogDick’s description take it from here, but suffice to say,
attendance at this Manic Monday show is Mandatory:


European legend SUDDEN INFANT performs in Baltimore supported by an
epic “ensemble” cast of notable American artists. A High-Brow
Artsy-Fartsy sort of event with plenty of rumbling underline for the

Monday Night Party Styles too,,, duh. “Back to Fool”

the Schlimpfluch-Gruppe, a european band of four of the most baddass
“noise” performers ever.

collaborated in another ensemble cast with Antony and William Dafoe.
Baltimorians, no less.

//\\ RELAY FOR DEATH//\\ — Delisciously sinister sound and
performance from twin sisters Roxann and Rachal Spikula. Stark and
scary, but not “a downer”. Puts you in a rotting forrest teaming with
deadly shrooms and rusted out scrap. It’s seems a nightmare but
there’s something comforting about about the musty scene. HANSON
records LP sold out quickly. Some of the best stuff out there. From

//\\ JOHNSTON BROTHERS //\\ — Brothers Caleb Johnston and Twig
Harper of “Peculiar Stock”. I think the last set they played together
it was juggling each others laps while tooting and sucking on the same
saxophone. Hopefully Wolf will be back around in time to be disgusted
by it. Joke’s on him, not Joke Lanz.
“story of the brothers grunt”



July 29, 2011

An illustration from a Syntonic Research customer comment card insert from an “Environments” record.

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July 9, 2011

Sagan: Unseen Forces

Brilliant “music film” we issued on our “label”, Vague Terrain some years ago, now available for your pleasure in internet form. Please watch and enjoy it fullscreen. With the right mindset, you will not be disappointed. Beautifully shot, edited and produced by Ryan Junell and Sagan. (J Lesser, Bevin Blechtom and Wobbly). Science Fiction, Historical Tableaux, Educational Film.  “I’m really glad I have dance in my life.”

Fullscreen, with a stereo system, we beg you.


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July 8, 2011

The Rose Has Teeth in the Mouth of a Romanian Art Gallery

The Contemporary Art Gallery of the Brukenthal National Museum presents
“Desire is WAR”
July 7 – 31, 2011
Opening, Thursday July 7, h 17.00
6 Tribunei Str, Sibiu, RO
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 10.00 – 18.00

Artists: Apparatus 22 (RO), Muhammad Ali (PK), Ştefan Botez (RO/CH), Katja-Lee Eliad (RO/IL), Farid Fairuz (LB/RO), Mikhail Karikis (GR/UK), Matts Leiderstram (SE), Matmos (US), MEN (US), Ioana Nemeş (RO), Gyarfas Olah (RO), Karol Radziszewski (PL), Emily Roydson (SE/US), Ryan Trecartin (US).

Curators Anca Mihulet and Dragos Olea (RO)


p.s. We will not be appearing live at this event…but we will be there in the form of our work.

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June 21, 2011

The Life and Death of Marina Abromovic

Matmos is pleased to be part of “The Life and Death of Marina Abromovic” which is being presented at the Manchester International Festival.

Should you make plans for being there? Probably. See for yourself.

Perhaps you know the work of Robert Wilson? Have a look at some recent work of his, though of course it is theater, and video does not do it justice.

This is also extremely beautiful, perhaps more interesting to our more “pop” oriented listeners?

I beg you to watch it full screen.

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May 29, 2011


Tonight is Berlin, tomorrow is Leipzig, and then we bid a farewell to Europe. Tour has been delightful and we wish to thank John Wiese, Gianluca Turrini, Martin Hoersch, and Nikita Lavrichenko and all our choir members across the continent for the good times. Citizens of Los Angeles and San Francisco, strap down and get ready for strange Matmos manifestations in your cities: Saturday, June 4th at the Hammer Museum in LA; Wednesday, June 8th at the Bottom of the Hill in SF.

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April 24, 2011

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February 17, 2011

Banging On: Plots and Plans

With the melting of winter’s ice and snow, Matmos will soon emerge from its studio hibernation to commit a bewildering variety of public outrages.

03/02 – Baltimore County – The atrocities start on Wednesday, March 2nd, when we will speak on the campus of UMBC (that’s University of Maryland, Baltimore County) in lovely Catonsville.

04/06 – Baltimore –  Compounding the damage, on Wednesday April 6th we will lecture at the Mattin Center on the Homewood Campus of Drew’s very own Johns Hopkins University, a few blocks from our house. At both of these “lectures” you can expect to hear examples of our work, spicy personal stories, and theoretical and technical digressions. Snacks are often served at this sort of thing, but we make no guarantees.

04/09 – Birmingham, England –  Sometimes people come up to us after our shows and ask “Who makes your videos?” The answer is M. C. Schmidt, and it’s a real honor to transmit the news that somewhere in the vicinity of Saturday April 9th M.C. will have a special screening of his video work in Birmingham, England at the IKON Gallery. This event is part of a festival in which a personal favorite of ours, Martin Creed, is rumored to perform. Someone tell us if this is true.

04/09 – Brooklyn, NY, on April 9th Martin’s improv-unit side project INSTANT COFFEE! will be performing at an event hosted by the Issue Project Room but held at Little Field, which is near by. INSTANT COFFEE! will be joined on the bill that night by our frighteningly awesome pal, Marcus Schmickler, and and and C Spencer Yeh, Carlos Giffoni, CoH, and Robert Piotrowicz! Golly!

04/16 – Pennsylvania – Every so often Matmos has had the honor of being offered a residency at an institute of higher learning. Harvard and Oxford are now joined by an institution much closer to home, Haverford College in Pennsylvania. As the concluding event of a weeklong “residency” (no, not couch-surfing) there, on Saturday April 16th we will do a special performance on the campus of Haverford College in Stokes Hall at 8 P.M. The event will be the premiere of our first chorale (which is, no doubt, not technically speaking a chorale, but who’s keeping score?).

05/06 – New York City – People who read Matmos liner notes will no doubt recall the gorgeous and spooky string arrangements that the composer Jefferson Friedman created for the Matmos track “Semen Song for James Bidgood” on The Rose Has Teeth album. On a forthcoming CD for New Amsterdam , Jefferson’s string quartets have been recorded by The Chiara String Quartet and paired with some Matmos remixes of same, and the release of this work is the occasion for two East Coast concerts featuring both ensembles. On Friday the 6th of May Matmos will play together with The Chiara String Quartet at Le Poisson Rouge in New York City. Following from this, there are rumors afoot that we might also present this double header in Philadelphia on Saturday, May 7th too, so be on the lookout. Buy tickets here:

05/14-30 – EUROPE – Once we’re really warmed up from all of that, and once Drew has taught the final installment of his graduate seminar in the Department of English on “Early Modern Literary Ontologies” and M. C. has finished his fledgling semester teaching video at MICA, it’s time to get in a van and punish the people of Europe with a quadrophonic Matmos / John Wiese tour! We’ve loved John Wiese’s approach to sound design and noise forever, and Drew and John have been kicking back and forth a collaborative project for many years too, so it just makes sense to join forces and blow eardrums together. Adding immeasurably to the festivities, San Diego’s brightest hope Jay Lesser has agreed to be in Matmos for this tour too, so expect gnarled synthesis and bloodstained video cameras (a long story . . .).

14/05/11    Glasgow (UK), Old Fruitmarket
15/05/11    Birmingham (UK), MAC Art Centre *
16/05/11    Dublin (IE), Button Factory *
17/05/11    Belfast (UK), SARC *
19/05/11    London (UK), Auto-Italia *
–>21/05/11    MILANO (IT) Leoncavallo*  THIS  IS  A  CHANGE!
–>23/05/11    Rome (IT), Circolo degli Artisti *  CHANGE OF DATE!!
–>24/05/11    Bologna (IT), Scuderia *  CHANGE OF VENUE!
26/05/11    Paris (FR), La Gaite Lyrique *
27/05/11    Brussels (BE), VK *#
28/05/11    Metz (FR), Les Trinitaires *
29/05/11    Berlin (DE), Hau1 *
30/05/11    Leipzig (DE), Centraltheater *

* w/ John Wiese
# w/ Oval

Drew is very sad that he will be missing Maryland DeathFest this year, but touring Europe with Jay Lesser and John Wiese will make up for  missing Corrosion of Conformity’s reformation of the “Animosity” lineup.

06/04-05 – Los Angeles – This sounds like a lot already. But it’s not the end! We are pleased to be able to cryptically hint that we will be in Los Angeles on Saturday the 4th and 5th of June to participate in a very ambitious but top-secret event called “Art&Politics”, a two day combination of academic talks, dramatic and musical performance which Drew is in the middle of planning with Professor Kenneth Reinhard of UCLA. When the time is right, you’re going to hear a lot about this, as some pretty incredible people have agreed to take part. But that time is not yet upon us.

06/08 – San Francisco – If our gear holds out, we will play a show at our Alma Mater, The Bottom of the Hill. I believe our pal Wobbly will open for us…and probably play with us for a reunion of Simultaneous Quodlibet lineup. Did you buy that, by the way? You really should. It’s very dense, it’s sort of like three records in one…at the same time!

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February 16, 2011

Electric Independence is overwhelmed/is overwhelming…

Enjoy many breathless minutes of us us us! This was a fun day for us…though perhaps we talk too much? Here’s the show:

…and some car commercials.

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December 24, 2010

Greetings good people of the Internet. We are home from our recent sojourn in Germany, where we played six shows in Frankfurt and Berlin as the live musical accompaniment to “(theLID” a work choreographed by Ayman Harper (formerly of The Forsythe Company) and featuring Baltimore’s own Jermaine Spivey and costumes, stage and set design by Tomi Paasonen of Finland. We’re going to do some more performances of this piece in (deep breath) 2012 in Texas and in Germany, so please plan accordingly.

Jermaine Spivey struggles with the Wyrm during The Lid with Matmos accompaniment in Germany this year.

It’s been a year with major ups and some downs too. In April, we had the honor of performing at Carnegie Hall with the Kronos Quartet at their kind invitation; despite a sneaky slide guitar cable hiccup, the show was a delight. Drew’s mom was there! We will play with them again in the springtime in Scotland, no less!

Matmos with Kronos Quartet...ok this is actually at Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A. but it's a lovely picture.

We also played some fun shows this year with Konk Pack, Leprechaun Catering, Sissy Spacek, the Bang on A Can all stars, the Sun Ra Arkestra, Emeralds, Dam-Funk, and lots of other folks we like at cool spaces like The Bank and the Fifth Dimension. Martin toured with his improv / noise / weirdo trio Ear, Nose and Throat across the West Coast.

Drew gave lots of academic talks about melancholy, materialism, and punk rock, published some articles about Shakespeare and masochism and demonology, and taught a seminar on Edmund Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene”.

We released not one but two albums this year, both in collaboration with friends and fellow travelers of longstanding. In May, our collaborative record with So Percussion, “Treasure State” came out on Cantaloupe Records featuring cover artwork by Robert Syrett, and we hauled lotsa gear and a prickly cactus about as we toured the United States and Canada with Josh, Jason, Adam and Eric spreading the post-everything crypto-classical rhythm gospel with some help from the Lexie Mountain Boys.

Matmos and So in The U.S.A.

A smattering of the cornucopia of gear that is So.

Fat delicious Dosa in Vancouver.

In October, the collaborative record “Simultaneous Quodlibet” (see below), a three-headed monstrosity created with Wobbly and J. Lesser and featuring cover artwork by Jason Mecier, was released by Important Records. Big things really do come in small packages.

The losses this year were personal and of wildly disparate categorical “sizes”: the mysterious departure of our cat Gibson for parts unknown was followed by the death of Peter “Sleazy” Christopherson, whose artistic work and personal example are an enduring beacon (“light shines darkly”). We will miss them both. This turning over of the decade prompts us to continue to work on the new Matmos album, “The Marriage of True Minds”, an ongoing four year plot which just keeps thickening. You can also expect some surprising remixes, and some concerts in the spring in the United States and Europe in the summer, but we aren’t ready yet to get all TMI about that yet.

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all materials Creative Commons License 1400AD - 2024AD » matmos / vague terrain